Life Quotes 15

The greatest pleasure in life
is doing what people say you cannot do.

Sometimes God will put you in a battle empty handed
so that when you do get the victory you'll know it wasn't you, but him.

Life Quotes 15

How can youi SM_LE without I
How can you be F_NE without I
How can you W_SH without I
How can you be FR_END without I
i am very important
But this i can never achieve S_CCESS without U.

Why we need best friends:
Because they laugh at the same stupid things we do.
Because they give us honest advice.
Because they will be there for us, even if they're thousands of miles away.
Because they celebrate with us when we're at our best, but still love us at our worst.

it's not because things are difficult that we dare not venture.
It's because we dare not venture that they are difficult.

Common sense is a flower
that doesn't grow in everyone's garden.

3 Steps to a Happy Life
1. Don’t stress yourself with useless people who don’t even deserve to be an issue your life.
2. Never invest too much emotion at one thing because if you do, you will end hurting yourself.
3. Learn to live life without worries because God will take care of everything, trust and just have faith.

Everyone makes mistakes in life,
but that doesn’t mean they have to pay for them the rest of their life.
Sometimes good people make bad choices;
it doesn't mean they are bad.
It means they are human.

Be like the sun
that offers it's light to everyone without discriminating.

One small positive thought in the morning

can change your whole day.

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