Life Quotes 6

Whatever the weather will be today, let your heart sing.
Let your spirit soar.
For there is so much in life to be grateful for.
There's the echo of laughter, the warmth of sunshine.
The coolness of the rain, the quiet of evening when the day is done.
The peaceful light of stars above,
and dearest of all, the love of love ones.

Every bad situation will have something positive.
Even a dead clock shows a correct time twice a day.
Stay positive in life.

I'm a strong person but do you know what makes me cry?
It's when i gave my best but i feel it’s still useless.

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning.
But anyone can start today and make a new ending.

Common sense, is like a deodorant.
The people who need it most, never use it.

Strangers can become bestfriends,
Just as easy as bestfriends can become strangers.

Life Quotes 6

Never do something permanently stupid
Just because you are temporarily upset.

A person who never made a mistake
never tried anything new.

No one notices my tears,
No one notices my sadness,
No one notices my pain,
But they all notice my mistakes.

Prayer is never an extra option nor a last recourse
For when we work, we work
But when we pray God works.

It takes a strong person to say sorry
and even stronger person to forgive.

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